Also it was fun to have an economic victory in form of a building that provides you unlimited resources. Their coolness level is way higher than any Detriment can reach. I've certainly liked supcom's striders or game-ending units. I prefer playing it on the PC, and you may take an all-expense-paid trip to hell if you think I'm any less of a person because of my preferences.Quote: 've recently tried supreme commander out of curiosity and I liked many things but I missed interface features and strategical depth zero-k has. Personally, I couldn't be motivated to give half a cent about it, so do what you want. I no longer see a purpose in wasting time to argue about you playing the X-box. We're having what's called a debate, and I'm sorry that the only debate you had was with your mother about getting out of her house and going to college. And trust me, no one's insulting your precious X-box. And who's talking trash? I said it's inefficient, and if that's the fact you're talking about, it's obviously correct.

What facts? You haven't said anything that takes a second of thought, you're just insulting us. My suggestion is you grow the hell up and quit accusing us of something we aren't doing.
Click drag supreme commander 2 pc series#
So you are mad, attempting to make insults at me? Are we talking about SC:FA, or SC2, because both are very different games (to state simply, one takes strategy and one can be played easily by ten year olds, I've played both on a computer) and I don't see what the point is with trying to press a series of buttons when I could easily click, drag, click, move mouse, and click.Īs far as I'm concerned, you're upset with people who can afford a computer to game as opposed to some $300 X-box 360 (good luck finding even a $500 computer that runs SC:FA well) so you choose here to bash us. My suggestion is you go home and get your facts right or find something else to trash talk about. As far as I'm concerned all this is is a bunch of computer players knocking the console version when they haven't tried it. If such a control scheme on a console is beyond your imagination then maybe you need to go back to a simpler game. (How long does it take you on Xbox to scroll between fronts? In computer, you can zoom all the way out to strategic view then back into to a different front in a second.) GuardPatroller Crusader Posts: 21 Joined:, 05:56 Location: Texas, USA Has liked: 0 time Been liked: 0 time FAF User Name: TechnoGuardĭilliDalli wrote:When you've actually tried the game GuardPatroller then I might be minded for you to tell me what is and isn't possible on it. It's just more efficient to do it with a computer. Maybe you won't have lag issues, but everyone will have input inefficiency problems.
Click drag supreme commander 2 pc upgrade#
On the Xbox, is it possible for you to select multiple units and move them somewhere across the map, upgrade your ACU to say, tier 2, and have factories start building units, all input in two to three seconds? Doubt it highly, and you can with a computer. Same thing with FA, just without the extra prettiness of 3D mode and additional control options of moving up or down. I had an ATI Radeon HD Mobility 4200 series.

(and I ran this game past recommended on my crappy computer that lagged with only two hard AI on a 20km map.